Hybrid Marxism(all good ideas didn't start or end with Karl Marx)

Charles Brown CharlesB at CNCL.ci.detroit.mi.us
Mon Nov 23 10:39:29 PST 1998

>>> Tom Lehman

Charles, as far as a bourgeois revolutionaries, I don't think you can get to much more bourgeois than Atty. Lenin a member of the minor Russian nobility. Hey, at least we didn't stuff George Washington, of course the technology didn't exist back then either. _____________

Charles: How about Fredrick Engels, capitalist cotton manufacturer (during the U.S. slavery) partner in Ermin, Ermin and Engels ?

Can we really believe they have capitalism in Russia when Lenin is still sitting up there in Red Square. He sure has a lot of pull for a dead guy. Look ma ,no hands, no breathe ,no heartbeat, and the bourgeoisie still can't lay a hand on me.


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