O'Connor on crisis theory, etc.

Louis Proyect lnp3 at panix.com
Tue Nov 24 05:54:09 PST 1998

>For example, what is Coontz getting at here: "P/O=1-(C/O +L/O), where P/O
>is the share of profits in output (income), and C/O and L/O are the
>capital-output and labout-output ratios, respectively. Now Kuznets' data
>shown a fall in the capital-output ratio and a rise in the capital-labor
>ratios, respectively
> for the 1919-1929 period. Thus dO/O>dC/C>dL/L, therefore both the
>capital-output and labor output ratios, fell, hence the rise in P/O."

I think I can explain this. Coontz is searching for a solution to the famous fictitious ground-rent problematic, which would in Marxist circles amount to as big a breakthrough as Fermat's theorem was in higher mathematics.

In the July, 1996 "Journal of the Value Theory and Ballroom Dancing Society", Prof. Drew A. Blank published a computer program that purported to solve the vexing fictitious ground-rent problem once and for all. I have the program at my fingertips and will share it with lbo-talk mavens, who are in the know about Perl and value theory, a very small and elite section of the population, indeed.

I will run it later today and announce the results.


chop($thispgm=`basename $0`); # Name of this program. &dsspath; # get environment variables;

@rq = ("ctime.pl",



for $rq (@rq) {

require "$rq" || die "$driver: Could not install $rq - $@\n"; } $server = $ENV{'DSQUERY'}; $sdb = &dssnode() ."," . "U"; # Get argument for dwhscure. #print "SDB:$sdb\n"; $pwords = &dsscure("$sdb"); # Get db password. unless (($pwords =~ /^(\w+)\W(\w+)\W/) && ($sybid = $1) && ($sybpw = $2)) {

die "$driver: Security information retrieval failed for dss. Now exiting....\n";}

while (<FTPCNT>) {

$ftpcnt = $_;

} @ftp_array = split(' ',$ftpcnt); $ftpyear = $ftp_array[0]; $ftpcount = $ftp_array[1];

#------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compare the count returned from C program executed above # to ftp count. Cancel if not equal. #------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($cpgm_cnts_array[0] != $ftpcount)

{die "Calculated $cpgm_cnts_array[0] not = ftp count $ftpcount\n";}


Louis Proyect


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