Brenner in Johannesburg

Max Sawicky sawicky at
Wed Nov 25 06:31:40 PST 1998

> I've just been reading the report of the British Government's Social
> Exclusion Unit, drafted by one-time Stalinist and now Blair advisor
> Geoff Mulgan. What is remarkable is that this govt. document is so

Is this the fellow that was in the group called "Demos"? I'd appreciate more details, assuming you're not divulging confidences or anything like that.

I was at a conference with him once. Very centrist (which says a lot, coming from me).

We just found out that a major nemesis of ours at the NY Times used to be in PLP.

That's the problem w/these more-left-than-thou types. When they snap, they do a 180 degree number.



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