Virtual Politbureau Debate

Rosser Jr, John Barkley rosserjb at
Sat Nov 28 10:58:04 PST 1998

Here are few positives and negatives as regards the current economic situation in China:

Postitives: 1) Very rapid growth over the last two decades that has brought millions well out of the poverty range. This is an achievement of immense historical significance. Of course the growth rate is now slowing quite dramatically. 2) Increasing democratic control at the local level which bodes well for the future of the TVEs. If they are democratically controlled, that may mean a healthier future for them.

Negatives: 1) Huge increase in income inequality, both regionally and within regions. 2) Rising unemployment 3) Environmental disaster.

I would repeat that all of these can be seen as connected with the TVEs as the most dynamic part of the Chinese economy and also its most distinctive element. Barkley Rosser

-- Rosser Jr, John Barkley rosserjb at

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