The LBO list's bourgeoisie

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Sun Nov 29 14:39:17 PST 1998

Apsken at wrote:

>But that is a different subject from attempts by r-r-revolutionary Marxists to
>stifle discussion of their own or their group's bourgeois tendencies, which in
>modern U.S. society take certain characteristic forms with unfortunate
>political consequences. As I understand it, that is the discussion which Henry
>Liu attempted to open with his reference to class struggle, and which you
>averted by reference to the short list of LBO's bourgeois advocates, which I
>thought an evasion of Henry's point. I don't understand your defensiveness on
>this topic, that's all. Why must it be thwarted?

What I don't want is discussion about Lou's moderating decision to spill onto this list; this is the soliarity of listowners. Anyone here can discuss class conflict among radicals, Marxist or not, or the construction of race, or whatever, as long as it's not dogmatic, verbose, stupid, or excessively abusive. In fact, I wish Rakesh would return to his question about whether anti-racists perpetuate race by citing it even as they seek to undo it.


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