Just because they have no other choice in Dennis' view doesn't mean they'll actually do it. Several economic observers from the center, the left, and the right have referred to the downright stupidity of Japanese policy-makers in the past (which got them into their current mess), so isn't it possible that they'll be downright stupid in the future?
Now, I don't believe that they really are stupid. But I would guess that there's some sort of political gridlock going on that prevents the kind of reflation that they need. Dennis, do you have any info on the internal politics behind Japanese policy-making? Why the long delay (since the popping of the bubble economy) before reflation? (an irrational aversion to fiscal stimulus, perhaps?)
BTW, whatever happened to the Japanese idea of giving each citizen a pile of money that only had value if it were spent immediately? was this totally shelved and replaced by the bail-out of the banks?
Jim Devine jdevine at popmail.lmu.edu & http://clawww.lmu.edu/Departments/ECON/jdevine.html