Reassurance, NYT-style

Carl Remick cremick at
Mon Oct 26 05:59:05 PST 1998

Here's an interesting window on the mentality of the New York Times, from an article on global economic turmoil -- "Chicken Little! Shut Up!" -- that ran in the paper's Week In Review section yesterday:

"Maybe it was just a false dawn -- there have been plenty of those. But ... there was hope last week that the worst of the global economic financial upheaval might be passing.... Sure, Indonesia has turned into a lawless land, with mobs burning out the shops of ethnic Chinese merchants and chopping off the heads of suspected sorcerers, but its currency, the rupiah, is making a surprising comeback."

Looks like a good segue into ol' Oliver Goldsmith: "Ill fares the land, to hast'ning ills a prey, where wealth accumulates, and men decay ...."

Carl Remick

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