thread themes on outlawing fascistic racist speech

Charles Brown CharlesB at
Thu Oct 29 07:58:53 PST 1998

Most who take an ACLU radical or absolute free speech position for protecting KKK and neo-Nazi speech

DO VERY LITTLE IN COUNTERING THE FASCISTIC RACIST SPEECH in the marketplace of ideas. In other words, their position is let the fascists speak and let the public debate and reason defeat them. But those who say this rarely take on the responsibility of fiercely opposing the fascists in the public debate. Rarely do you hear the ACLU make public pronouncements against racism and the fascistic racism of the KKK. They concentrate on free speech and socalled civil liberties not civil and human rights. This is another important weakness in the radical or absolute free speecher conduct and position.

There is no premature anti-fascism.

Charles Brown

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