The KKK in the 1920s v. the ACLU (Re: thread themes on outlawing fascistic racist speech

Jon Fine jonfine at
Thu Oct 29 16:04:29 PST 1998

I enjoyed the following post. I knew that the KKK had a huge following in palces in the '20's--I recall, for some reason, Indiana as being one of these places--but this history and ACLU bkgd. was new to me.

One question for Nathan:

Nathan wrote:
> The leader of the KKK came very close to winning the Democratic nomination
> in 1928 (and he largely lost it only due to publicity around a sex
> scandal). Some surprising people, including Justice Hugo Black who became
> a good friend of both free speech and civil rights, were caught up in the
> KKK of the 1920s.

who was the KKK head who almost walked away w/the Democratic nomination in 1928? And did he have any other governmental affiliation--e.g., was he a Congressman or Governor somewhere?


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