My best friend of 30 years is owns a bar in Oakland and before becoming petty bourgeois tended bar for others. He's brilliant and well read. My stepfather never went to college and is also better read than most, certainly better read than the passles of college grads that prefer beer to their reading lists.
So, to list participants who are smart and struggling in crappy jobs, I am sorry if I gave cause to offend. But, but, but. You kick around in some of the diners around the Albany area and you quickly realize that there is a huge number of people out there without the slightest idea of Zapatistas, Green Movements, or what have you. In my experience the alienated intellectual/thinking types in retail tend to migrate to the cities like Boston where the general atmosphere keeps them more amused. Even if you're not in college, you pick a lot of stuff up.
One most assuredly doesn't need a college education to be smart, or educated. Alexander Pope decried the "intellectual lumber" in the brains of well-educated dummies. Not to mention the outright falsehoods that are taught (e.g., political "science") as revealed truth. In the world there are smart people with no discipline (which leads to a kind of hedonism) and disciplined people with no smarts (who are tedious, but it's hard to figure out a reason to get rid of them, since they jump the required hoops). And it is entirely possible to be smart and disciplined and grinding away as a waiter/waitress to earn income. But I'll tell you, you don't find many of those around here.
- Gregory P. Nowell Associate Professor Department of Political Science, Milne 100 State University of New York 135 Western Ave. Albany, New York 12222
Fax 518-442-5298