Clinton blowjobs; Nowell qua reactionary; capital accumulation; Sawicky query

Max Sawicky sawicky at
Thu Sep 10 07:24:16 PDT 1998

>Max Sawicky wrote:
>"It has occurred to me, in the same vein, that
>Republican control over extensive areas of the
>State is enabling them to delegalize the Democratic
>Party, for all practical purposes."
>What do you mean by that, Max?

The impeachment campaign against Clinton began before he ever took office. The extent of investigation and prosecution of him and his Administration is unprecedented. This would not be possible without Republican majorities in the House and Senate with the power to determine the agenda of public debate (by virtue of what issues they elevate to consideration), the political juice to pressure the DoJ to appoint as many special prosecutors as it has, the ability to block or delay Administration appointments, and the collaboration of corporate media. The result has been a severely crippled Administration, even one that might have accomplished more things favored by Republicans. The dominant consideration seems to be to gain a monopoly of political power. This has also played out in the selection of judges, a process which began to become much politicized under Reagan.

The other vein is in pending legislation to eradicate trade unions, starting with efforts to kick them out of the political arena with such things as "Paycheck protection." Alongside this we have already had the dumping of the Teamster president and the budding prosecution of Rich Trumka, two of the brighter spots in the labor movement.

A third is in legislation to "defund the left," which means seeking the abolition of any public monies to even vaguely liberal organizations, and in legislation that would prevent non-profit organizations receiving any public funds from participating in politics.

Somebody has already mentioned the disproportionate prosecution of black elected officials. I doubt any conspiratorial aspect to this above the local level of government, but the effect is similar.

Finally, there is the continuing dilemma of securing a fair regime of campaign finance.

Contrary to some around here, things could get MUCH worse.



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