Deep throat or shallow press?

Charles Brown CharlesB at
Mon Sep 14 09:34:38 PDT 1998

>>> Wojtek Sokolowski writes

As far as the media are concerned, I stopped watching/reading that shit long time ago. I think that makes me better informed by virtue of being less disinformed than most Americans.

__________ Charles:

I follow the same practice as Wojtek with respect to the media. Of course, not 100% , but I gave up being a news junky several years ago and it works wonders for clearing the mind. I must admit that I get my info through the filter of other people who do remain more focussed on the media. But somebody has got to pull the brainwashing electrodes out of their head and try to analyze events without the powerful slant that the monopoly media gives everything. We need a division of mental labor on the Left for this.

Charles Brown


Workers of the West , it's our turn.

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