Jim Farmelant
On Sat, 19 Sep 1998 03:28:50 EDT JKSCHW at aol.com writes:
>There were a number of rather harsh reviews of it when it came out. I
>can try
>to search the web for them, but so can you. The bottom line is that
>Pipes has
>got some stuff that tends to show that Lenin (a) had an affair (gasp,
>shock; _bourgeois_ politicians would never do such a thing), and (b)
>the shooting of hostages in the civil war in rather harsh terms, to be
>condemned; but it doesn't show that he was particularly brutish as
>indeed, war leaders go. In fact Pipes' "revelations" don't amount to
>much that
>wasn't already known. It's rather like the glasnost relevations about
>which shwoed that he was a tyrant and a butcher, something that I am
>sure came
>as a real surprise to everyone. Pipes was hoping that the relkevations
>Lenin would show the same, but he was already convinced that the
>facts showed that, and if you didn't think so before, you wouldn't
>think so
>afterwards. Personally, I didn't think so before. Ans in what
>environment are
>you where people care to debate about Lenin? --jks
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