Lou's Blues Revue

pms laflame at mindspring.com
Sat Sep 19 21:26:05 PDT 1998

Salutations O Keepers of the Sacred Texts-

>I was really tough on myself when I missed a payment. I broke my pinky to
>show myself that I wasn't kidding around.
Ah, whimsical Lou, very nice. Look, I can't spell and type at the blazing rate of 17 wpm too.

>Your target will either be the stage of the next
>Michael Bolton or Kenny G. concerts.

Oh, ok. In that case, where's the ammo?

>Was this when you were born or the date when you first discovered that you
>were inept?

Actually, the date is wrong. The first vaguely political thought I remember was the crush I had on Gore Vidal when he and Buckley duked it out over the Kennedy-Nixon contest,(unless you count the gender/class analysis of the family, which started much earlier) so I was 10. Gee, no wonder my parents had to squash me like a bug.

>Robert Reich is a leading proponent and this paragraph from a piece he
>wrote for the Nation is echt-Keynsianism:
>"Nations are not passive victims of economic forces.

Reading this in any zine I have a sub to is a bore, but reading it in the pukey, piece of shit excuse for a newspaper we have in this town (I have) makes me happy. Like the movie of "The Color Purple", I don't want to see it, but I'm glad something of the original work makes it to the .masses.

>What Reich and
>Galbraith, John and James, don't get is that the welfare state did not come
>about because someone read Keynes, but because there were sit-ins and
>demonstrations across the country.

I bet they do know. The dialogue is so narrow. You gotta get people to step out of the box first. Labor history, people history is invisible. The neo-cons own the assumption bank. What's more important, mass education or ideological preening. You can't have both. Not now, anyway. When I was at that Greens Gathering a fellow named Charlie Betz was the lead steamroller. Folks were in awe of this guy. They were also afraid of him. I wondered if this dynamic was what took place in the USSR in the early days. This is not my vision of a better world.

>Times will be changing. On one hand you will have Wellstone supporters
>lined up behind a "back to work" program. On the other hand you will have a
>left-wing labor movement that will have begun to question the legitimacy of
>capitalism. On the third hand, you will have the fascist movement.
>Oil your guns.

More variety!

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