Doug's Grand Slam

pms laflame at
Tue Sep 22 12:22:17 PDT 1998

Greeting Comrodsssss

Thanks Yoshie for this bit of historical perspective.

>Reproduction through the male-dominated nuclear family is the tie that
>binds the proletarian male to the state; more children, not fewer, signal
>woman's domestication within the working class. (Petchesky 40-41)

Doug- I knew I should have used the 'sneaking under the circus tent' angle.

Didn't mean S&M.(crashing bore). What I was trying to imply was the wonderful ways she found to recommend your book to folks who never step out of the box. They aren't curious, cause they're so damn right.(no pun intended) Charge the Mainstream, I say. Don't fire till you hear the bleats of their 'conventional wisdom'.

I am rejoicing. I was saved today from more forlorn decades of silent witness. Yesterday I swore to many people that if Clinton's numbers didn't shoot up from the Testimony, I would refrain from political analysis forever. Now I really do feel like we're on the Truman Show. Else why would the Repubs not only release a tape of Clinton's most brilliant performance, but also obligingly make all those scary noises aabout an angry, unrepentent Clinton?

I'm now sure the healthcare debaucle was purposeful. These guys can orchestrate anything!


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