professors & tenure: an economic view

JayHecht at JayHecht at
Mon Sep 28 11:07:04 PDT 1998

In a message dated 98-09-23 18:52:51 EDT, you write:

<< It would be rational to leave

academe: I left the private sector to return to academe

at a 40% pay cut, and I think that the abolition of

tenure would not only diminish the pool of candidates

for jobs, but have a tendency to push salaries up. You get what you pay for. If the job is to be made subject

to easy dismissal, like the private sector, then you

have to compete with private sector wages.


AMEN, AMEN - I did the same thing (and took more than a 60% pay cut). The point is that the ratio of intro-level teaching salaries/private sector employment has probably been widening (more so as you age the cohort). More to the point - there is a lot of "deadwood" that may/may not have gotten tenure, or there would be a lot of "well published" faculty with A LOT of dissaffected students - why teach when all that counts is publishing!!!

The other question is whether there is a social

interest in the accumulation of intellectual capital.

If you are to stimulate individuals to acquire

extensive knowledge about obscure topics, whether

viruses, foreign countries, or what have you, it has to

be with the reasonable expectation that this capital

will not have been created in vain. Tenure is the

guarantee that it is economically rational to

accumulate what may or may not prove to be socially

useful capital. You may not need an Iranian

specialist until after the country has a revolution,

but then you want one in a hurry, and it takes ten

years to get there. No one told me, in 1983, when I

was studying French use of alcohol fuels in the 1920s

that alcohol fuels would be a major component of air

quality strategies in Los Angeles in 1989 and later. A

molecular biologist with an odd theory such as prions

takes at least a decade to make and his utility is

discovered only ex-post, when you have people with

pudding brains from eating beef. It is admittedly the

case that many academic specialties appear to have no

possible utility, but I won't name my suspicions for

fear of bringing them down on my head. In any case it

goes without saying that if you are investing in

creating intellectual capital in areas which

necessarily you cannot anticipate need until years

after the fact, it goes without saying that much

intellectual capital developed in the form of a

professor, like many patented machines, go forever

unused as a "practical" matter. But if you don't

provide some protection against the evaluation of

intellectual expertise on purely market criteria--which

is what tenure does--then you create a broad

disincentive for the creation of specialized

intellectual capital generally.

But that's the whole point of the irrationality of the system. Look, I worked in a "Corporate Research" dept for a number of years, and we increasingly had to justify our work based on "value added" criteria. Nobody could exactly pin down what this was, other than when ever we got a call about "how many tractor trailer suppliers in North Dakota," we always seemed to be able to dig around and find a lot of obscure facts.

Smart people would be

better off learning law or finance where the

intellectual capital is more immediately mobilized and

marketed, and the skill set is in fact designed to be

applicable across a wide range of situations.

This is increasingly becoming problematic. I think companies are looking for people who can "think," though they use certain majors (e.g. accounting) as a screen.

In any case, I think part of the explanation of who and

what professors do is that they are, as a class,

trained to develop a reasonably unique pool of

intellectual capital and their incentive to do so is

that they get protected from market forces in return,

and compensated with a reduced but nonetheless OK wage

in comparison to similarly educated professionals in

other fields (e.g., medical doctors). It is NOT so

much that there is an emphasis on conformity--this is

strong, but I'm not sure it's stronger than in other

walks of life--as the fact that individualistic act of

developing, marketing (to other academics) and

maintaining this intellectual capital is a highly

ego-centric, or should I say self-isolating, activity,

and that since the total body of potential intellectual

capital is infinite, the professor always feels

inwardly inadequate to the task, even if the outward

image is I-know-more-than-you-do. Regardless of

whether the field of specialization is cell biology or

Marxist theories of imperialism the fundamental

imperative of developing intellectual capital

determines the "corporate activity" of the academic.

It creates people who have a lot to say but are not

necessarily particularly useful. In this sense,

leftist activists who turn to academe as a resource for

ideas find the same thing that capitalists do: some of

the intellectual capitals amassed in the university

environment are useful for "practical applications,"

but the vast majority are not. It is no more

surprising that only 1 in 100 leftist academics are

"useful" to a "movement" than it is surprsing that only

1 in 100 molecular biologists are "useful" to a given

pharmaceutical company with a given emphasis on this or

that kind of drug. Many of them will be working on

esoterica--e.g. nervous system biochemical reactions in

earthworms--and others, even if doing work with

"practical implications", may be pointed at someone

else's bag of practical applications. And sometimes

the one person who comes up with a useful idea has done

so only because of the previous time spent reading

other people's useless ideas.

In actual fact the real functional purpose of

universities may be a kind of institutionalized

"venture capital" to mobilize, at relatively low cost,

a diversified portfolio of capabilities in stuff

society may or may not want. The overall cost is made

still cheaper by wedding to the research function the

teaching function, which is performed with varying

degrees of success depending on the complex interaction

of student and teacher capabilities, commitment, and

resources. The teaching function is further

economized by melding the teaching-for-research

fuinction with the

teaching-for-general-life-certification function which

is what the undergraduate degree usually really is.

It may not be the case, therefore, that in a capitalist

society which prizes itself on organizational

efficiency that academe is inefficient. It is

efficient but not organized on market principles, in a

manner different from, but parallel to, the armed

forces, which in their own way are wasteful at some

things and efficient at others, but in any case not

organized on market principles. The durability of the

academic structure may be that it is remarkably well

adapted and fulfilling the multiple functions which it

has been assigned: general training, an environment for

adolescents in transition, specific research and

professional training, development of highly

specialized pools of intellectual capital and

expertise as a speculative venture, and to do all this

at wage levels that are below private sector

equivalents, trading job security for cost.

And once you have all that in front of you, you can see

why, that in spite of the high degree of autonomy and

intellectual independence accorded professors (a

function of pushing them to develop diversified

intellectual capital pools), the actual "radicalness"

of the university in American society is roughly

equivalent to the "radicalness" of General Motors.

And I would bet, that if you did a survey of political

views, particularly on issues rather than code words

(not, are you a Marxist, but do you think everyone

should have health care, do you think the rich ought to

pay more in taxes, etc.), that you would find as many

"radicals" in the various levels of a corporation like

General Motors as you would at a university.


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