In the article you refer us to Boushey says;
" their recent book about the effects of the minimum wage on employment, David Card and Alan Krueger showed that a rise in the minimum wage did not lead to decreasing employment and in some places employment actually rose. THAT CONTRADICTS THE PREDICTIONS OF TEXTBOOK NEO-CLASSICAL THEORY, WHICH DECLARES THAT ANY INCREASE IN WAGES SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A FALL IN EMPLOYMENT (emphasis added CB) "
See what I mean ?
Charles Brown
>From the market to the Marxit
>>> Doug Henwood <dhenwood at> 09/29 11:32 AM >>>
Charles Brown wrote:
>The old canard that a rise in wages forces a rise in
>unemployment is so basic that it was punctured
>classically in
>Marxism by Marx himself in "Value, Price
>and Profit".
Charles, that has nothing to do with Heather's argument, or that of the original Wage Curve theorists, Blanchflower & Oswald. What's your point?