Dear Doug and the Left Business Observers,
<P>Just the word privatization and what it implies should be enough to
sway organized labor away from any sorry and misguided sob who thinks he
can make a fast buck stealing from the American people.
<P>Doug, there are people in labor and politics called <B>" hindsteiners"</B>.
The name <B>"hindstein" </B>rhymes with Einstein. <B>" Hindsteiners"</B>
make ass kissing into rocket science. For example the professionals
who got Carey of the teamsters into trouble would be <B>"hindsteiners"</B>.
I have no doubt that their are <B>"hindsteiners"</B> in our union movement
who for one reason or another would go along with the privatization of
social security. <B>Especially if it advances their personal agenda
or career!</B>
<P>Sincerely and fraternally,