Dear Doug and the LBOers,
<P>So far I've gotten to page 85 of Galbraith the youngers book.
<P>Like Alec, I too wondered about the "unobserved skills" business.
I interpreted this as an allusion to social skills i.e. boot licking, apple
polishing, butt smooching etc.etc. Of course the more egregious types
do it in public, so you couldn't call it unobserved.
<P>On page 49 Galbraith writes. My thesis is that <I>unstable economic
performance</I>---the external conditions that sometimes favor certain
monopolistic groupings, sometimes others---is the main culprit that has
fostered the rise of the new monopolies,...(gee whiz.)
<P>In general I like Galbraith's arguement about the "skills fallacy" and
his use of the office tower analogy to describe the income strata.
Where he misses the mark is that both public and private studies and surveys
have shown that we have one hell of a problem in this country with basic
literacy and numeracy. Basic task oriented stuff that people can't
do. There are millions of people out there who couldn't even find
the basement of Galbraith's office tower.
<BR>Tom Lehman
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