+ADw-META content+AD0-text/html+ADs-charset+AD0-utf-7 http-equiv+AD0-Content-Type+AD4-
+ADw-META content+AD0-'+ACI-MSHTML 5.00.0910.1309+ACI-' name+AD0-GENERATOR+AD4APA-/HEAD+AD4-
+ADw-DIV+AD4APA-FONT face+AD0AIg-Times New Roman+ACIAPg-rakesh,+ADw-/FONT+AD4APA-/DIV+AD4-
+ADw-DIV+AD4APA-FONT face+AD0AIg-Times New Roman+ACIAPg-you quoted:+ADw-/FONT+AD4APA-/DIV+AD4-
+ADw-DIV+AD4APA-FONT face+AD0AIg-Times New Roman+ACIAPgAm-gt+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADs- it brackets the economic and
social conditions of rational+ADw-BR+AD4AJg-gt+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADs- orientations and the economic
and social structures that are the+ADw-BR+AD4AJg-gt+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADs- condition of their
application.+ADw-BR+AD4APA-BR+AD4AJg-gt+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADs- To give the measure of this omission, it is
enough to think just of+ADw-BR+AD4AJg-gt+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADs- the educational system. Education is
never taken account of as such at+ADw-BR+AD4AJg-gt+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADs- a time when it plays a
determining role in the production of goods and+ADw-BR+AD4AJg-gt+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADs- services as
in the production of the producers themselves.+ADw-BR+AD4APA-/FONT+AD4APA-/DIV+AD4-
+ADw-DIV+AD4APA-FONT face+AD0AIg-Times New Roman+ACIAPg- and then said: +ADw-/FONT+AD4APA-/DIV+AD4-
+ADw-DIV+AD4APA-FONT face+AD0AIg-Times New Roman+ACIAPgA8-BR+AD4AJg-quot+ADs-What is he saying?+ACY-nbsp+ADs- That
without education or some other restraining+ADw-BR+AD4-power--perhaps a King, the state,
the Idea, the Law--people would fly+ADw-BR+AD4-asunder and human association would cease
to be? It would seem at base+ADw-BR+AD4-Bourdieu's conception of society is no less
atomic than the neoclassical+ADw-BR+AD4-economists he rails against. For Bourdieu then
is it just a question of+ADw-BR+AD4-different mechanisms effecting the association of
these atoms as these+ADw-BR+AD4-mechanisms become structuring structures and structured
structures.+ADw-BR+AD4-Bourdieu's social ontology does not seem so different to me+ADs- is
he not a+ADw-BR+AD4-social atomist?+ACY-nbsp+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADs- At the very least, I don't understand
Bourdieu's answer+ADw-BR+AD4-to that fundamental question of why do people associate at
+ADw-DIV+AD4APA-FONT face+AD0AIg-Times New Roman+ACIAPg-and i'd say:+ADw-/FONT+AD4APA-/DIV+AD4-
+ADw-DIV+AD4APA-FONT face+AD0AIg-Times New Roman+ACIAPg-uh, no. as far as i can tell, all he's saying
is that neo-classical economics--in all of its permutations (economic dogma,
social policy,+ACY-nbsp+ADs- everyday chitchat +AFs-ie in its various habituses+AF0- etc)
operates by willfully blinding itself to its own historicity: education is just
one example of an institution that +ACY-quot+ADs-produces+ACY-quot+ADs- both the field and its
agents, and naturalizes the domination of the market (i.e. it is not itself
produced). in other words, neo-liberalism is a way of imagining what he calls
the +ACY-quot+ADs-structural domination of the market+ACY-quot+ADsAOw- from my reading, there are
no +ACY-quot+ADs-atoms+ACY-quot+ADs- in the social field+ADs- rather, the social field can be
described as a set of positions and position-takings that constitute
subject-effects--ie. real people.+ADw-/FONT+AD4APA-/DIV+AD4-
+ADw-DIV+AD4APA-FONT face+AD0AIg-Times New Roman+ACIAPg-now, if you're saying that bourdieu has a
knack for writing opaque sentences, then i can't help but agree.+ADw-/FONT+AD4APA-/DIV+AD4-
+ADw-DIV+AD4APA-FONT face+AD0AIg-Times New Roman+ACIAPg-again, you quoted:+ADw-/FONT+AD4APA-/DIV+AD4-
+ADw-DIV+AD4APA-FONT face+AD0AIg-Times New Roman+ACIAPgAm-gt+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADs- trends. First is the
destruction of all the collective institutions+ADw-BR+AD4AJg-gt+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADs- capable of
counteracting the effects of the infernal machine,+ADw-BR+AD4AJg-gt+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADs- primarily
those of the state, repository of all of the universal+ADw-BR+AD4AJg-gt+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADs-
values associated with the idea of the public realm.+ADw-/FONT+AD4APA-/DIV+AD4-
+ADw-DIV+AD4APA-FONT face+AD0AIg-Times New Roman+ACIAPgA8-/FONT+AD4AJg-nbsp+ADsAPA-/DIV+AD4-
+ADw-DIV+AD4APA-FONT face+AD0AIg-Times New Roman+ACIAPg-and then said:+ADw-BR+AD4APA-BR+AD4-Is this a joke? How can
Bourdieu write this given what he writes about the+ADw-BR+AD4-state elsewhere? How many
Pierres are there?+ADw-/FONT+AD4APA-/DIV+AD4-
+ADw-DIV+AD4APA-FONT face+AD0AIg-Times New Roman+ACIAPg-and i'd say:+ADw-/FONT+AD4APA-/DIV+AD4-
+ADw-DIV+AD4APA-FONT face+AD0AIg-Times New Roman+ACIAPg-i don't think it's a joke, though i can
understand your frustration with the idiom in which bourdieu works--which, so
far as i can tell, is your objection to him up to this moment. why not talk
about the much advertised end of welfare-keynesianism, and compare that with the
realities of continued coporate welfare, the attack on public spaces of all
kinds, etc. (ie what dennis said)? i agree with you. i don't quite know what
other writings on the state you're talking about--he seems pretty consistent in
the value he attaches to +ACY-quot+ADs-universality+ACY-quot+ADs- as a cultural marker or ideal,
especially as it passes through the state, public institutions, etc. (i'm
thinking, for example of +ACY-quot+ADs-free exchange+ACY-quot+ADs- and the essay +ACY-quot+ADs-for a
corporatism of the universal.+ACY-quot+ADs- what are you thinking about?+ADw-/FONT+AD4APA-/DIV+AD4-
+ADw-DIV+AD4APA-FONT face+AD0AIg-Times New Roman+ACIAPg-best+ADw-/FONT+AD4APA-/DIV+AD4-
+ADw-DIV+AD4APA-FONT face+AD0AIg-Times New Roman+ACIAPg-christian+ADw-/FONT+AD4APA-/DIV+AD4-