those fake refugees

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Thu Apr 1 13:07:58 PST 1999

>and they are unlikely to call a halt to the bombing in the near
>future. they are unlikely to do many things that we would raise as
>demands. that this has not been raised as a demand by the left in
>the midst of the campaign against the bombings tells me only that it
>is a demand that will not be allowed to be thought.

They say they are planning *weeks* of bombing. You are right that it is unlikely that they will halt it, but not because it is impossible for us to make them stop; as of now, anti-NATO groups are too small and disorganized to do so. Hell, quite a few on this list are actively supporting the bombings!

I wish we were living in an era that knew no border, but we still live in the age of nation states (as the present war proves, for all the talks of 'globalization'). We live under the circumstances not of our own making. I think it is a good idea, however, for those in imperial nations to raise the demand for open borders (of their own nation states, not of smaller countries in the periphery), calling the bluff, so to speak, exposing the lack of sincerity in those who say that Yugoslavs are committing 'genocide.'

>mmm. then why would you reproduce it?

To question the argument that all those who are fleeing from Kosovo are fleeing from 'genocidal Serbs.' BTW, the media characterization of 'Serbs' has been _much more racist_ than anything that article said or insinuated. And plenty of the mass media articles and 'NGO' reports that are _racist_ have been reproduced here, without much questioning.

>it was not only unnecessary
>in order to make any arguments you might wish to

One needs to point to contradictions and ambiguities in the mass media reports. That is one of the tactics we've learned from Parenti, Chomsky, Ramsey Clark, and other principled anti-imperialists who read 'mainstream press' widely and carefully. The Left do not have enough independent reporting capacity. We must scrutinize and read between the lines of corporate press, many (if not all) of which are quite plainly racist.

>and let me also signal another warning: the characterisation of a
>group of people as drug runners and criminals, *even though* it may
>well be true that this is a or the means of economic activity, should
>be something that anyone from the US smells a mile off as laden with
>the kind of racism that is de rigeur in the US and those countries
>caught up in US orbits.

I do NOT characterize Albanians (a people) as drug runners; I DO, however, characterize the KLA as drug-financed + supported by the CIA, the NATO, Mujahideens, & 'Greater Albanian' adventurers. A BIG difference. The KLA have murdered many Albanians who oppose their goal or tactics and publically admitted that they had and would kill 'collaborators.' Besides, the KLA is not an all-Albanian affair. It has been reported that besides Mujahideens, American Green Berets, Croats, and mercenaries have been fighting alongside them. What's wrong with exposing their major funding source as drugs? Please do not use the term racism so inappropriately.

>so, I'll be blunt: the reproduction of racist propaganda is the
>unavoidable cost of supporting the nationalism of the Serbian govt,
>and you were bound to pay up sooner or later.

I do NOT support what you call the 'nationalism of the Serbian govt.' (BTW, can't you bring yourself to saying Yugoslavia, at least?) What makes you think that I support what many call 'Serb nationalism'??? My principal target is the imperial politics of destabilization, through the use of right-wing secessionists financed by drug deals (financed in this manner so that the USA/NATO can more easily wash their hands, which is why the USA find it necessary to keep drugs illegal so they will remain usefully + profitably in the black market). Remember how the CIA-allied Hmong fighters, Contras, and Afgan Mujahideens have been used by the USA. This is how they wage war (especially now). Bombings are the follow-up to the prior and longer strategy of destabilization.


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