Clinton To Pope: "Fuck Off..."

jmage at jmage at
Thu Apr 1 13:34:33 PST 1999

This contradiction must be tearing the D'Alema version of the historic compromise to shreds. I see that today his coalition is erupting (not just the - still proud to call himself a - Communist) Cossutta but now the Greens and the Catholic ministers like Rosaria Bindi. And that D'Alema announced he will go to Albania for Easter, unless I misunderstood the Italian. This is the lead story at ANSA (the Italian Press Agency) early evening - their time - today (April 1st!):



presidente Bill Clinton ha respinto la

richiesta del Papa per una sospensione

dei bombardamenti a Pasqua,

sostenendo che darebbe ''carta bianca

a Milosevic per continuare la sua

aggressione''. ''Non possiamo - ha detto

il presidente americano - osservare la

Pasqua e onorare la resurrezione di

Cristo concedendo (a Milosevic) un altro

giorno di liberta' per uccidere piu' civili

innocenti''. [my translation] CLINTON TO POPE: NO TRUCE FOR EASTER (ANSA) - WASHINGTON, 1 APR - President Bill Clinton has rejected the demand of the Pope for a suspension of the bombing for Easter, on the basis that it would give "carte blanche to Milosevic to continue his aggression." '"We cannot - the American president said - observe Easter and honor the resurrection of Christ by granting (to Milosevic) another day of liberty to kill more innocent civilians." [my dictionary gives "demand" as the first translation of 'richiesta' - could someone tell me if this is too strong?]

And I see the U.S. Cardinals just issued a letter to Clinton that "called for an end to the NATO bombing campaign." Though the story of Clinton's response to Wojtyla has not been exactly emphasized by the US. This must be giving the folks running the bombing PR an unpleasant moment.

A request - is there anyone out there who could give a quick description of what is happening in Italy?

John Mage

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