The victory of the cruise missle liberals

michael at michael at
Fri Apr 2 19:28:29 PST 1999

I am sorry to see Yoshie go. As far as vicious tyrants go, Milo. and S. Hussain rank about a 7 or 8 on a scale of 10. Butchery in Central America (say in Guatamala) would rank higher in infamy.

Watching Clinton cast humanitarian bombs around the globe (so far he has neglected Latin America, Australia and Antartica, but then he still has a couple of years left) without any real threat to the U.S., Clinton deserves a substantial rank as a butcher (especially because he does it without getting his hands dirty, as in Iraq).

Getting back to cruise missle liberals, they have little effect. Clinton does not listen to liberals enough to change any policy. The real damage he has done by seducing well intentioned liberals is to inflict deep wounds on the left -- causing us to fight among ourselves.

The socialist movement was gaining enormous strength at the beginning of the century. World War I caused a similar split among the left, between those that supported and opposed the war. The socialist movement in the west never recovered.

Weak as we are today, the our internacine fight will be more destructive.

-- Michael Perelman Economics Department California State University Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321 E-Mail michael at

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