the face of Liberal activism

Margaret mairead at
Sat Apr 3 12:00:18 PST 1999

This is a clip from a current post to another list by a woman activist. She's jewish, the child of immigrants who were in the camps, lives in Louisiana, and during the run-up to impeachment organised a small Liberal campaign to support Clinton. She seems to take a sort of 'my {president | country}, right or wrong' approach. She's asking everyone in her list to write Clinton and congresscritters in support of sending ground troops.

"To those who are angered by my call for this, understand that we just have differing opinions here. But I cannot be thankful for the American troops who liberated the few survivors of my family (including my mother), and then when the same atrocities occur again, not ask the same for them. Milosevic is another Hitler, albeit on a smaller scale. He is getting ready to try to commit a coup in Montenegro, replacing the head military people because the ones there before refused to follow his orders."

She seems to get all her information from the established news sources, to accept things that accord with her views and reject things that don't (which isn't to say that we all don't do that at least somewhat, but my impression is that she's rather less skeptical than many)

She is probably representative of The Woman In The (US) Street, if a bit more goal-oriented than most.


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