> >The socialist movement was gaining enormous strength at the beginning of
> >the century. World War I caused a similar split among the left, between
> >those that supported and opposed the war. The socialist movement in the
> >west never recovered.
Although I never mentioned Lenin or even the dreaded Louis Proyect, Chris Burfurd responded.
> I am unclear whether Michael Perelman thinks that Lenin overemphasised the
> absolute nature of the split between the Kautskyists and the Leninists in
> the light of the fact that the revolutionary upsurge was successful in only
> one European country.
We don't have to go to Lenin for examples of the splits associated with the first world war. Socialist parties in the United States and throughout the rest of the world divided over the war. Some historians have speculated that Bismarck provoked to the war to preclude the further growth in German social democracy. -- Michael Perelman Economics Department California State University Chico, CA 95929
Tel. 530-898-5321 E-Mail michael at ecst.csuchico.edu