
rc-am rcollins at netlink.com.au
Mon Apr 5 20:59:12 PDT 1999

>I would much prefer to focus on class-based issues
>exclusive of ethnicity...

"... it should be clear where the corporatist temptation comes from, i.e.., why this temptation is the necessary reverse^ of capitalism. Let us take the ideological edifice of fascist corporatism: the fascist dream is simply to have capitalism without its 'excess', without the antagonism which causes its structural imbalance. Which is why we have in fascism, on the one hand, the return to the figure of the Master - Leader - who guarantees the stability and balance of the social fabric, i.e.., who against saves us from society's structural imbalance; while on the other hand, the reason for this imbalance is attributed to the figure of the Jew whose 'excessive' accumulation and greed are the cause of social antagonism. Thus ht dream is that, sine the excess was introduced from the outside, i.e.., is the work of an alien intruder, its elimination would enable us to obtain again a stable social organism whose parts form a harmonious corporate body where, in contrast to capitalism's constant social displacement, everybody would again occupy his own place."

Slavoj Zizek, _Tarrying With the Negative_, p. 210. (1993)

^ by 'necessary reverse', Zizek does not mean opposite as in external, but opposite as in internal, dialectically so.

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