Public opinion shifts towards war hawks

Gar Lipow lipowg at
Tue Apr 6 19:39:46 PDT 1999

Those who support NATO -- gleefully or reluctantly should be happy. According to the polls (for whatever they are worth) U.S. public opinion has shifted towards your side. According to ABC/Washington Post poll 68% suppport the air strikes, and 55% percent support the use of ground troops. According to the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll 62% support air strikes; 55% percent support ground troops; 73% support ground troops as a "last resort".

Among the left, it seems that opinion is shifting the other way. Some of those we thought supported NATO, now insist that they never supported NATO at all. They never meant this to happen. Their support was for NATO to intervene, but in an entirely different way , using a very different strategy. In short they intended to support another NATO -- one that exists in alternate universe. It is most unfair that they were stuck with the evil twin that unfortunately dwells in this one.

-- Gar W. Lipow 815 Dundee RD NW Olympia, WA 98502

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