Our news today

Marko Ajdaric marko at lutacontinua.zzn.com
Wed Apr 7 07:07:53 PDT 1999

see today at em http://come.to/luta or http://pagina.de/luta

Canada: Technical staff back at CBC Corruption among the world's major energy and water multinational companies UK: Teachers win pay change concessions Canada: Mill workers vote to end Hinton strike More teachers join walkouts near Washington Truck drivers at Coyne Textile remain off the job

Chilean Internet surfers to strike over line charges If you have any doubt about how yellowish AFL CIO and its branches went, just read this Rainforest in Belize threatened by a proposed hydro electric dam Cuba: Western media distorted dissident case Poles who were Nazi slave laborers still feel victimized Bye, Bye, so long, farewell: Pizza Hut has closed its Moscow restaurants India: Left will stay out but will support next government Striking workers in a rally demanding job security and wage increases at a Kia Motors factory Indian ecological activist, riding his bike, hopes he will get to meet Mr. Clinton The 37th General Assembly of the Brazilian Bishops Conference to be carried out this month Fiat/Argentina suspends half its workforce Universities are launching courses online. New reports question whether a seat in front of a computer is as good as a seat in a classroom Portraits of life: The teddy bear that inspired the drawings of Winnie the Pooh savaged in Montreal Muslims demanded the resignation of Nazareth's Christian mayor, after street clashes On saturday, April 24, the Philadelphia March of a Million for Mumia Austrian protesters at the towers of the Czech Temelin nuclear power plant Ecologist Cries Out for Peace in San Francisco

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Washington wants to change NATO to an intervention force ready to strike worldwide China condemned intensified NATO airstrikes in Yugoslavia War in Kosovo has thrown up a cloud of nettlesome questions for Clinton's administration

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