"WWII vs Vietnam"

Charles Brown CharlesB at CNCL.ci.detroit.mi.us
Thu Apr 8 08:19:39 PDT 1999

>>> Carl Remick <cremick at rlmnet.com> 04/08/99 09:59AM >>>
Ironically, Chris, one of the most ominous outcomes will be if NATO is "successful." It will be that much easier to use force next time. Here's an excerpt from an article in today's NY Times showing how Clinton has grown ever more casual about sending missiles flying:

-clip- ((((((((((((

Chas.: I agree with Carl. One of the main purposes of this U.S. war on Serbia is to reestablish, but really MAINTAIN, the normalcy of U.S. wars and terrorist actions in the minds of the U.S. population. Capitalism and imperialism need the INSTITUTION of war. The end of the Cold War has left the fulfillment of that necessity with a big problem. The end of the Soviet Union took away the biggest "demon" in the U.S. dillusionary scapegoat scheme.

By the way, the comparisons of Milosovich to Hitler and the Serbians to the Nazis is way off. The closest comparison to Hitler/Nazis today would be Reagan/Bush/Clinton/ Amerikka , if one does any kind of honest body count and invasion comparison of recent history and current events. A lot of that has been done in the posts here, as by Micheal Hoover quoting Micheal Parenti, et al. The biggest genocide going on right now is the U.S. acts and blockade of Iraq. The U.S. supports mass murder in Turkey and Colombia. In the recent past, U.S. imperialism invaded Panama, and Grenada. U.S. imperialism created mass murdering gangs in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Afghanistan, Angola, etc. , on and on. Posts by others have detailed these U.S. crimes and others. Hitler and the Nazis were arch-anti-communists, the role of the U.S. in the world since WWII. U.S. propaganda and mindcontrol out does Goebbels by a long shot.

The U.S. posturing as a humanitarian force with Serbia is like the Mafia disciplining a pickpocket.

Charles Brown

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