Opening Borders

Chris Burford cburford at
Thu Apr 8 16:00:16 PDT 1999

At 09:24 08/04/99 +0100, Jim H wrote:
>Chris' posts are full of sound and fury, but signify nothing. He says
>that I support Serb fascism. He can draw that conclusion if he wants,
>but I just can't make any sense of it. The government of Serbia may be
>reactionary, but it is not fascist, and I don't support it. Like Max's
>promiscuous use of the word 'genocide' Chris's rhetorical denunciations
>of fascism only indicate that his argument is a little weak.

Let me turn to the definition quoted by Charles, and reformatted by Michael. This formula comes from the same time as Dimitrov's speech to the 7th Congress of the Communist International in 1935, which from different sides, both Charles and I have been double checking. Dimitrov quotes the Thirteenth Plenu of the EC of the Comintern callint is "the open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic and most imperialistic elements of finance capital."

>> Fascism is open terroist rule of the most chauvinist, racist sector of
>imperialism (imperialism today being monopoly capitalism). The main
>imperialist power in the world today is the U.S. Serbia is not an
>imperialist nation. Yoshie is opposing imperialist war. Those arguing
>against Yoshie and in favor of U.S.
>imperialist war are much closer to fascism than Yoshie. But I guess things
>get confused and turned upside down easily when the bombs start falling.

But Dimitrov also says "The development of fascism, and the fascist dictatorship itself, assume different forms in different countries, according to the historical, social and economic conditions and the the national peculiarities and the international position of the given country."

People who say I cannot point out the fascist nature of the Serbian regime because it is not imperialist, miss the point. It certainly is reactionary. It is trying to cling on to old systems of economics and politics, and using chauvinism to do it, terror to enforce it, and to maintain it by attacking democratic rights.

Clearly we will be playing different tapes on this for some time to come.

Jim H:

>What about the villages being burned out? Chris demands. The villages
>are being burned out because the KLA aligned itself with foreign power
>that is bombing the capital city. It is not just or right, but it is
>entirely predictable. Don't you think that there might be some
>coincidence between the fact that the villages were set on fire *after*
>Nato began bombing. And yet this policy, that led to that conclusion, is
>the one that you support.

Were villages not burned out in Bosnia? Jim H knows much detail from that time, and knows the politics of the war of aggression by Serb fascists against the Albanians of Kosovo are the same politics. They were merely accelerated by the bombing.

>My hands are clean. I did not rally to the bombing of Yugoslavia, and
>bear no responsibility for the ethnic violence that followed it, as
>night follows day.

Your hands are not clean to the extent that you promoted appeasement of the Serb attacks in Bosnia.

Chris Burford

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