Dalai Lama: forgive Pinochet

Margaret mairead at mindspring.com
Mon Apr 12 08:08:02 PDT 1999

"Henry C.K. Liu" <hliu at mindspring.com>) wrote:

>The same applies to the Dalai Lama, who has been groomed since childhood by
>British imperialism as a puppet secular politician to try to restore Tibetian
>theocracy and slave society on behalf of Brtish interest to extend the British
>Empire north from British India, in competition with Czarist Russia, in the
>vacuum created by a decrepit Chinese Qing dynasty.

I don't know enough about him. As head of state, was he ever responsible for the torture/murder of non-violent people, as Pinochet was? If so, then i agree with you.

>During the Cold War, he became an agent of anti-communist forces (not
>withstanding the natural affinity between Buddhism and communism) and after the
>Cold War, he has become a bogus nationalist under the guise of an human right
>activist who claims Buddha condones slavery.

I oppose Soviet-style Communism myself --- it's no more than a murderous, classist, totalitarian scheme wrapped in egalitarian rhetoric!

And does he truly claim that the Buddha taught slavery is okay??? I'd love to know where he imagines he got that from! Or is he speaking ex-cathedra, as it were? Do you know? Namuamidabutsu, what a pillock!


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