
Max Sawicky sawicky at
Mon Apr 12 13:29:20 PDT 1999

> It's an abuse of the term when the mainstream media use it for
Kosovo and it's an abuse of the term when activists use it for Indians.>

> seth

Dear Seth,

You don't get it. All meanings and interpretations are properly handmaidens of our political posture. And our political line derives not from empirical data but from the eternality of Good and Evil. U.S. imperialism and everything it does is Evil. We know this automatically, without reference to vulgar facts. If it does something Good, it is only to forestall greater Good, and that's Evil too. If you bring up the war against Nazism, arguably imperialism's finest hour, that's Evil and you are Evil. Or from the standpoint of materialist analysis, "objectively Evil." By contrast, if you are Evil but oppose imperialism, you are "objectively anti-imperialist", read "objectively Good."

Although Nazism was evil, it was only lower-case evil and derived from the Supreme Evil -- U.S. capitalism/imperialism. No words are too severe to describe imperialism's Evil, just as no words are too mild to describe the enemies of imperialism.

What about Stalinism/Maoism/Pol Potisme, you might ask, but probably won't? Well, notwithstanding the millions who perished under that rubric, these were only partly evil, partly derived from U.S. imperialism (hence semi-Evil), and otherwise merely Complex.

That's the program. Get my drift?


SBS [Semi Boddhi Savata]

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