Social Democracy

rc-am rcollins at
Wed Apr 14 22:46:34 PDT 1999

Sam wrote:

>The gains from socdem were
>real, so were its failures in the third world.

I think it might be more accurate to say that the gains from soc dem were real, but this was premised on its non-applicability in/to the third world. that is to say, the decisive condition for social democratic policies was/is the national regulation/expression of labour and money. to the extent to which the national regulation of money is no longer, all that remains is the national regulation/expression of labour.

I understand that you might be reluctant to repeat previous discussions, but do you think that the globalisation of capital (much less so trade) does not impact in significant ways on the plausibility of social democracy?

if the social democratic option was available, I might grizzle about its limitations, but I actually think it is now implausible and, more dangerously, that it (well, the ALP here) converges with the national populism of One Nation in effect if not in intention.

Angela --- rcollins at

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