What's the Alternative to NATO?

Max Sawicky sawicky at epinet.org
Sun Apr 18 16:26:11 PDT 1999

> So does that mean bombing of Indonesia (for East Timor) should start once
> the glorious operation over Yugoslavia is over? And how about that cruise
> missile into the Bureau of Indian Affairs?

Rather than cursing the darkness, the Balkans affair might be taken as an opportunity to ask such questions as, why not East Timor? (Or Kurdistan). My impression is that the liberation of East Timor would be a cinch. Hence I hereby offer my official support to a U.S. invasion of the island, arming the national resistance, and booting the Indonesian military ass over tea-kettle out. Next I would ask, what does the logic of the primitive anti-imperialist position in the Balkans imply for the U.S. liberation of East Timor?

> This is public relations talk, Nathan, not political analysis.
> You create a
> set of bogus binaries and choose the "lesser evils" between them. At least
> with the Democrats and Republicans, the lesser evils are part of our
> inheritance. Here you are creating them ex nihilo to justify your support
> of imperialism.

At the risk of repeating myself, unfortunately we are often confronted in the real world with binary choices, neither of which are appetizing, but one of which *may* be preferable to the other. Only dreamers transcend these annoyances.


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