>Dear Friend
>This year the coalition of graduate employee unions' annual summer
>will be at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Fl. on Friday May 21st
>and Saturday May 22nd. We at GAU-UF are really excited about hosting the
>conference, and aim to make it productive and enjoyable for everyone. in
>order to do this, we need your help.
>1. If you want to attend, or know of people in your local that could
>please get them to register with us by March 29, 1999. To register, visit
>our online site (http://web.nwe.ufl.edu/GAU/CGEU/register.html), and send
>a check w/ registration fees of $40/person. After March 29th, registration
>will be $45. Make checks payable to GAU-UF and mail them to GAU-UF, 238
>Norman Hall, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611.
>2. If you want to lead a workshop, please let us know. In past years, there
>have been workshops on organizing, bargaining, starting a membership drive,
>doing media coverage, right-to-work-state peculiarities, learning from
>failed recognition drives, etc. Obviously, the topics aren't limited to
>3. If you can think of needs or interests that could be the subject of a
>workshop but don't feel qualified (or energetic) enough to lead, let us
>that also. We'll try to find someone who's willing to lead a workshop on
>your suggested topic.
>If you have any questions about this year's conference, please don't
>hestitate to contact Christian Gregory (driver at nervm.nerdc.ufl.edu);
>Hope to see you soon.
>In Solidarity