German 1848ers in American Civil War

J. Barkley Rosser, Jr. rosserjb at
Tue Apr 20 15:10:52 PDT 1999

Another tidbit on Marx and the US is that the only document signed by Karl Marx that is owned by the US government (in the National Archives in Washington) is message of congratulations to Abraham Lincoln in November, 1864 from the First International on the event of his reelection as president. Of course Marx signed it as the Chairman of that group.

I love to tell students this and then note that Lincoln was the first Republican president. Naturally that means that the Republican Party is a communist conspiracy!!! :-) Barkley Rosser -----Original Message----- From: Michael Hoover <hoov at> To: lbo-talk at <lbo-talk at> Date: Tuesday, April 20, 1999 4:56 PM Subject: Re: German 1848ers in American Civil War

>> Schurz was a 48er, but was not close to Marx.
>> "John K. Taber" wrote:
>> > That was very interesting about Weydemeyer. Was Carl Schurz involved
>> > with this group of Germans?
>> Michael Perelman
>Schurz - who was Lincoln's minister to Spain for a time, rose to the
>rank of major general in the Union army, became a US Senator from
>Missouri, and was Hayes' secretary of the interior - on Marx:
>"...Karl Marx..could not have been much more than thirty years old
>at that time, but he was already the recognized head of the
>advanced socialistic school. The somewhat thick-set man, with
>broad forehead, very black hair and beard and dark sparkling eyes,
>at once attracted general attention. He enjoyed the reputation of
>having acquired great learning, and as I knew very little of his
>discoveries and theories, I was all the more eager to gather words
>of wisdom from the lips of this famous man. This expectation was
>disappointed in a peculiar way. Marx's utterances were indeed
>full of meaning, logical and clear, but I have never seen a man
>whose bearing was so provoking and intolerable. To no opinion
>which differed from his own did he accord the honor of even
>condescending consideration. Everyone who contradicted him he
>treated with abject contempt; every argument that he did not like
>he answered either with biting scorn at the unfathomable ignorance
>that had prompted it, or with opprobrious aspersions upon the
>motives of him who advanced it. I remember most distinctly the
>cutting disdain with which he pronounced the word 'bourgeois'; and
>as a 'bourgeois' - that is, as a detestable example of the deepest
>mental and moral degeneracy - he denounced everyone who dared to
>oppose his was very evident that not only had he not
>won any adherents, but he had repelled many who otherwise might
>have become his followers." (_Reminiscences_, pp. 138-139)
>Michael Hoover

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