The Bourgeois Right to Bear Arms

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at
Wed Apr 21 09:51:51 PDT 1999

At 09:17 AM 4/21/99 -0500, Christopher Niles wrote:

>Right now, I'm listening to commentary on the shooting in Colorado, all
>of which has been utterly reactionary, not unlike the comments expressed

Yes. An full of sobbing voices citing the bible. Pretty nauseating.

>the failure of radicals over the years to provide some critical
>idealogical and political avenues of expression for these kids; not a
>word about the fundamentally anti-youth tendencies of American schools;

Oh yes. I was appalled by everyone's (parents, teachers, administrators, the so-called elected representatives) infatuation with fascist discipline in my son's HS - and people thinking I'm crazy when I objected to it. My son's departing salvo, however, was an entry in the school yearbook calling the administration a bunch of arrogant control freaks.

>nothing about the tell-tell differences between what white kids tend to
>do with guns and what Black kids tend to do with guns...why is anybody
>shocked that this is happening?

I am not. In fact, I am surprised that so little of it is happening - given the society we live in.


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