Gun laws ...

Jordan Hayes jmhayes at
Tue Apr 27 09:02:01 PDT 1999

From sokol at Mon Apr 26 15:25:14 1999

As to the "general deterrence" effect i.e. criminal being

supposedly scared of armed citizen - this argument is simply

hogwash -- drivel cooked by armchair social comentators who

have no clue what street life is about. As I argued above, the

central premise of this argument - rationality of criminal

behavior - is false in the light of available evidence (cf.

Katz, op. cit.).

I'd be interested in your opinion of criminologists like Don Kates and Gary Kleck, especially Kleck's critique of the NCVS. Here's a summary of that critique:

Kates also has quite a bit to say about the numbers and attempts to debunk some of this 'drivel cooked by armchair comentators' here:


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