Race and Murder: early post

digloria at mindspring.com digloria at mindspring.com
Tue Apr 27 14:55:59 PDT 1999

charles once wrote:

>Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris hurled insults at Jews, blacks and
Hispanics... But they REALLY hated the athletes, who had power and popularity - everything they didn't. (end quote) .
>The text itself has he word "really" in all caps.
>We in the Black community, veteran scientists of the vast media phenomenon
of covering up racism and constantly nurturing in the minds of the masses a sense that racism is not that big of a problem in U.S. society, read this as "white people, don't get to thinking that these kids' main problem and motive was racism. The main thing was they hated athletes". Yea, right, a big social problem in U.S. history and society, the hate of atheletes.

see actually charles, thanks for this. right here you have a problem with the idea that they might have hated jocks (which really means the popular kids, not athletes) more than they hated people of color. why might that be so difficult to believe, if it were true? we don't actually know and will never know? but can't you imagine that these young men might have actually been more enranged by their white tormentors than they were fired up by race hatred? wanting to take out an entire mostly white school, shoot up a neighborhood (white), hijack a plane and crash it it--those aren't actions directed against any one in particular nor exemplarary of race hatred or even racism. shooting Shoels sure was, though

and what this ""white people, don't get to thinking that these kids' main problem and motive was racism. The main thing was they hated athletes".

are you not very strongly suggesting that these kids' main problem and motive was racism with the mocking statment. you most certainly were and you thought it then.


I'm going away for a bit so won't be able to continue w/ this discussion. may stay subbed though. not sure.

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