Gobineau, count Joseph Arthur (1816-1882). French diplomat and writer, he served in Persia, Greece, and Brazil, wrote a number of works....In the Pleiades...appear three people, in the midst of a heroic and sentimental idyll, of different nationality and character, who have in common the feeling of being superior, of being "sons of kings" and who display their nobility by the independence of their spirits. His views on human nature were developed in his Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races (1853-1855) where he tried to establish on a physical, realistic basis the supposed superiority of the nordic, germanic race. His doctrine was used by pangermanists and by Hitler's national socialism.
-- Gregory P. Nowell Associate Professor Department of Political Science, Milne 100 State University of New York 135 Western Ave. Albany, New York 12222
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