LBO #90

Max Sawicky sawicky at
Tue Aug 3 08:02:06 PDT 1999

Peter Kilander wrote:

> I received mine last week and it was worth the wait. I spotted an error,
> though. Heather Boushey writes: "Time has past since Clinton's signing of
> the cleverly named Personal Responsibility Act (PRA) ..." Actually, the
> thing's called "The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity
> Reconciliation Act" which is odd seeing as how it has little to do with
> reconciling work opportunity and personal responsility and much to do with
> supplying cheap, pliant labor and scapegoating the unfortunate.

The cuts to the SSI children's program is a prime example. Poor disabled children lifting themselves up by their bootstraps. That is the PRWOA image that comes to mind. -- Marta Russell

The Wash. Post has a vile front-page article this a.m., welfare reform is now a proven triumph. The basis for this claim is evidence that the economy is not responsible for most of the drop in the rolls (nearly half now). Zero data in the article on the well-being of children, nor on the level of earnings of those who have left the rolls and have jobs, least of all to the difference between the number of 'leavers' who work now, and the number that would have been expected prior to reform.


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