
Chuck Grimes cgrimes at tsoft.com
Sun Aug 8 12:21:25 PDT 1999

> Would you like to play a game?

Indeed I would, sport. Does is start with structuralism? or Cantor's set theory? or Monty Python....

ken ----------------

This is a different sort of game so there is no structuralism or set theory involved or quantum physics. And hopefully it is not amusing or horrifying.

The idea is to explain something or describe how general symetrical shapes are formed. It involves gravity and group theory. Still interested? We may have been down this road before. I can't remember. As a side line, it answers Ian Murray's question of whether gravity is an important invariant for biology. The short answer is yes.

In any event, the philosophical point is that something like consciousness is way too big a chunk. The idea is to come up with an explanation that addresses a very limited, but I think difficult and perplexing problem that will probably not have a specific genetic answer.

Chuck Grimes

Just got back from fishing again. This time I came back with a 32"/14lb salmon--longer and thinner than last weekend. The other guys on the boat were pissed--I am a rank newbie and nobody else caught anything except some small kelp cod.

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