ANSWER: Name this socialist

Rakesh Bhandari bhandari at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Thu Aug 12 06:08:11 PDT 1999

The struggle over access to abortion as less serious seems to me a great blunder. To be forced to carry to term against one's will either due to restrictive law or lack of means is a form of torture--no more, no less (too bad Max does not understand this); moreover, to treat women's health as less serious only says quite loudly that the labor movement is willing to treat women in all their concerns--from health to workplace concerns--less seriously in order to fry bigger fish. The fight for free access to abortion thus cannot be marginalized as a merely cultural or non labor concern; it reveals how one values the freedom and autonomy of women. Moreover, any labor movement that refuses to take a stand here on the ground of tolerating religious authority simply cuts its own throat by legitimising the invocation of that authority in political debate. If the party says it's fine to invoke religion to silence feminists and dilute the plaform, then the party can only be weakened in its response to those in its ranks who will invoke religion or same papal authority to attenuate the class struggle. Refusal to sanction religious appeals now mean greater hesitation by some to join the ranks of a secular and feminist party but it lays the grounds for the kind of decision making process that will be necessary if labor is serious about assaulting capitalism instead of domesticating itself in some new corporatist arrangement from which only the leaders of labor will benefit.

Yours, Rakesh

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