Carla Del Pontes /Johannes/

Johannes Schneider Johannes.Schneider at
Thu Aug 12 10:37:36 PDT 1999

Elena, sorry for not providing a serious answer yesterday, but you know the eclipse... OK, today back to the serious mode: Since I dont read Die Weltwoche it is a little difficult to judge their position, but to my immagination they are what we call left-liberal. Certainly they are to the left of Der Spiegel and Die Zeit. I checked their Website and I found that today several journalist who wrote for taz ten years ago are now writing for them. Since Die Weltwoche is not published in Germany, it is more independant from the influences of daily German party politics. Though it is kown in Germany, its not read widely and has very little influence, perhaps some in cultural circles. Johannes ----- Original Message ----- From: elena <spectra at> To: <lbo-talk at> Sent: Thursday, August 12, 1999 5:26 PM Subject: Carla Del Pontes /Johannes/

> In Ausgabe Nr. 32/99, 12.8.1999 of Die Weltwoche, there's a curious though
> not particularly enchanted piece ab Carla Del Pontes, who's to replace
> L.Arbour. Although I am no fan of Arbour, this one seems a nut (ran the
> yahoo search, although not much)
> * Die
> Tessiner Juristin muss über Qualitäten verfügen, die hier zu Lande
> unentdeckt blieben, international in dieser Kombination aber
> konkurrenzlos sind: Sie ist unbeirrbar, kommt nicht aus einem
> Nato-Land und ist Meisterin in der Kunst der Vorverurteilung. In der
> Schweiz wird sie als oberste Anklägerin vorab in Erinnerung bleiben,
> weil sie aus Mücken Elefanten machte, aus Presseleuten Verdächtige
> und aus Hausdurchsuchungen gutes Dorftheater.
> Die Uno steht seit Ende der bipolaren Weltordnung unter dem Verdacht
> der Parteilichkeit zu Gunsten der einzigen verbliebenen Weltmacht
> USA. Mit einer Chefanklägerin Del Ponte bestätigt sie diesen Verdacht
> ausgerechnet vor den grossen Kriegsverbrecherprozessen wegen der
> Gräuel im Kosovo. *
> Die Weltwoche sound quite moderate in comparison with my fave Spiegel - ye
> are they? (so the question still stands)
> >> It's from Weltwoche - what do THEY stand for? My German's worse than my
> >> English.
> >They are from Switzerland.
> Tell me something that's not obvious
> Thanks,
> Elena
> P.S. Hope you are recovering from the eclipse with no apparent losses of
> (in)sight :-)))
> >I fear you did not use sun-glasses and there have been no clouds to
> >you like Jim in London.
> >Johannes

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