Petty Bourgeois Elena 2

elena spectra at
Thu Aug 12 11:02:40 PDT 1999

>>what's ken to zizek, what's zizek to ken?
>i think it's a masochistic relationship
which way M, which way S? *big grin*
>>the trouble is, zizek seems "made
>>for export" west-wise - like Emir Koustouritsa (incompetent suggestion)
>true. but then, this is the academic market.... isn't this where the
>money is? isn't this where everyone must turn? not unlike bg turning
>toward europe, eh?
Maybe, more of "Let me whisper in your ear/Tell you words you want to hear" But, yes, it depends who pays the bill.

>>well, any answer will help
>oh dear. i don't think fred ever explained what petty bourg mean. not
>adequately anyway. he'd definitely reject the idea that it has anything to
>do with how much money one has.
I meant, how much money one has NOT. Or, then, would that be lumpen-pb?
>>> post-socialist? define.
>>10 years ago: Mid-80's Moscow joke: "Vanechka explains the concept of
>>communism at Scientific Communism seminar [e: yes! we studied that as part
>>of medical training course] :'Communism is like a white ship in a
>>ocean [e: guess who's making the waves!] Everybody feels sick, but no-one
>>can get off, in mid-ocean'" The day after: I guess, post-socialist is when
>>someone has to to the deck scrubbing.. 10 years after: JUMP!
>you know, i'm rilly rilly sorry but this whole thread has made me think of
>the dorkiest music
Who's being kinky now? It's a serrrrious topic. Serious, too.
>i am obviously not in much of a serious mood. [tough noogies dougie]
Is this just rhyming slang or does it (noogies) mean smth?

>what is SVP?
= please in French

>>Lost me here...
>oh well you're lucky if you missed the endless reposts of fred's comp paper
>criticizing "a contract is a contract" myabe joe noonan has a count of how
>many times he posted it?
I channelled him directly to Trash because it exhausted my net-access time
>later cutie

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