insider calls los alamos spy probe racist

John K. Taber jktaber at
Tue Aug 17 18:39:22 PDT 1999

Ex-Official: Bomb Lab Case Lacks Evidence

By Vernon Loeb

Washington Post Staff Writer

Tuesday, August 17, 1999; Page A1

Federal investigators targeted physicist

Wen Ho Lee as an espionage suspect

largely because he is a Chinese

American and they still do not have a

"shred of evidence" that he leaked

nuclear secrets to China, the former

chief of counterintelligence at Los

Alamos National Laboratory said


All the major papers are saying about the same thing. Even the government admits as much.

The game plan is to hang him for something else, anything else, rather than admit that ideologically supercharged Republicans blamed him irresponsibly to score points against Clinton.

Richardson is going to try to get him for pressing the ENTER key on his computer at work without authorization from management. That's computer crime, the "unauthorized access" of a Federal computer.

I would hope that all Government physicists resign en bloc in solidarity with Wen Ho Lee. Nobody with any talent in any field important to the Government should ever work for the Government. Fuck 'em.

I remember when Mitchell and Martin defected to the Soviet Union. They were code breakers at NSA who said they were appalled at our spying on our allies. Pretty naive. Anyhow, our spinmeisters put out the canard that they were queers. The pretentious assholes in Congress went on the warpath wanting to know how the NSA could be so careless as to hire or retain known queers. This when that fag, Roy Cohn was still a power, and all Congressmen knew it.

So, the pusillanimous leaders at Ft. Meade poured over lie detector records from time of employment looking for anybody who confessed a homosexual contact in their youth. The NSA threw them to the wolves.

It was a wrong that was never righted.

Nobody should ever work for the Government in any position.

I say again, fuck 'em.

John K. Taber

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