Fwd: Re: Anarchism / Marxism debates

Jim heartfield jim at heartfield.demon.co.uk
Wed Aug 18 03:35:00 PDT 1999

In message <v02130500630bd588d57f@[]>, Rakesh Bhandari <bhandari at phoenix.Princeton.EDU> writes
>(I just found a copy of Paul Mattick's Critique of
>>Marcuse, which is a real pleasure. Anticipates all of the Marxist
>>arguments against environmentalism.)
>Please Jim (H), let's not distort the contents of this most important critique.

>I take it that you read environmentalism as an apology for capital's own
>fettering of the forces of production. But it would be a mistake to read
>Mattick simply as an enthusiast for the development of the productive
>forces--in the style of the 1990s Living Marxism--regardless of whether
>this is accomplished under capitalism or socialism:

But As Mattick writes: 'All social progress is based on the ability to produce more with less labour. Capitalism is no exception.' p31 -- Jim heartfield

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