Agent Provocateurs- view from the Right

Nathan Newman nathan.newman at
Wed Dec 1 17:25:36 PST 1999

Some comments on the vandals in Seattle from (an interesting convergence on a lot of speculation from the Left.):

"So, the police turn a blind eye to the hoodlums and allow them to run amok to create the pretext and justification for cracking down hard on the far greater mass of peaceful law abiding protesters. Meanwhile, the pro-WTO corporate big media machine distorts reality by painting the entire lot of protesters as lawless vandals, justifying in the public's mind even more draconian and extreme police state tactics against them. Who is more lawless, the protesters or the so-called law enforcers?

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- To: Arator I read an earlier posting on a different thread speculating that the marauders were planted there by pro-WTO forces in order to create an atmosphere that would justify police violence. What most citizens don't realize is how very well the NWO implementors understand psychology.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- To: Arator The best way to supress this type of movement is to unleash trained Agents Provocatuer to disrupt peaceful protest with acts of violence. Then call for law and order.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- To: Claymoremind This calls for citizen's arrests. Are their laws in the State of Washington for shooting to kill at whoever comits a felony like in Arizona? Well if there is I'd shoot those black masked marauders in a heart beat.

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