Anarchists or agents provocateurs?

Max Sawicky sawicky at
Fri Dec 3 06:09:08 PST 1999

Max Sawicky wrote:
>Less window breaking would have been better,
>though as I said yesterday, some was inevitable.
\Why? The events would probably have gotten less attention without the window-breaking. As it is, there wasn't much violence - just the right amount I'd say.

mbs: The news story was not "windows broken in Seattle" but WTO talks shut down by mass civil disobedience. Fewer or no broken windows would have put the police response in a much worse light.

The NationRadio team is thinking of organizing a fundraiser to provide a travel budget for the Eugene Anarchists. Dennis, you know these folks? Doug

Is this a gag?

What is the anarchist position if they hold a meeting and some anarchists-sub-2 present a manifestation that disrupts anarchists-sub-1? Would they call the cops? Be non-violent? I have a practical interest.

Silver Spring Brothers of Durutti

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