"Naming the System"

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Fri Dec 3 07:59:45 PST 1999

Thanks to Michael Hoover, for the background. The original piece in, "Studies on the Left," was entitled, "Woodrow Wuilson and the Political Economy of U.S. Liberalism." It was reprinted in , "For a New America:Essays in History and Politics from 'Studies on the Left' 1959-1967" Vintage/Random House, 1970. Includes pieces by Gabriel Kolko, Eugene Genovese (!!!-Catholic paleo-con now), Harold Cruse (Crisis of the Negro Intellectual), William Appleman Williams, Ronald Radosh(!!!, according to Lingua Franca, writing screed against the Spanish Republic), Murray Rothbard (remember the Young Americans for Freedom anti-war faction that with Rothbardian libertarians cooperated with certain SDS'ers?- Radosh, in a past lifetime edited a book with Rothbard entitled something like Against the New Leviathan with New Left and Old Right essays against Corporate/Cold War Liberalism, Ron also wrote a book on Old Right figures against the Cold War), Martin Sklar, and Norman Fruchter on Arendt's, "Eichmann in Jerusalem," and the ruckus that caused.

Sklar's piece is also reprinted, more recently in," The United States As a Developing Country : Studies in U.S. History in the Progressive Era and the 1920's."

John Judis recommended this book by Sklar many times when he still wrote for In These Times: The Corporate Reconstruction of American Capitalism, 1890-1916 : The Market, the Law, and Politics by Martin J. Sklar

Finally on "Corporate Liberalism"- Fred Block has a critique of the New Left historians theory in, "Revising State Theory : Essays in Politics and Postindustrialism.

Michael Pugliese

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